Photography 11

Mr. Clancy


Photography 11 is a developed course that meets the requirements set out by the new BC Ministry of Education Curriculum learning outcomes for Photography 11. The course is a mix of theory and practice. Students will appreciate the dichotomy between theory and technical proficiency in photography. Students will be able to create a print that is technically perfect and containing content that is meaningful and thought out.


Classroom Rules

Be respectful of yourself and your teacher

Room 254 will be a cell phone free zone during class time unless otherwise stated.

Arrive on time to class

Let the teacher know if you need to leave the room

Be present

Attitudes/ Work Habits

Work to ones personal best

Work in a team atmosphere to overcome problems and concepts

Maintain an organized work environment


Develop film into negatives

Print photographic prints

Make contact sheets

Modify and customize images (analogue and digital)

Create a negative library

Convert documents into digital files using a scanner

Manipulate these images with digital retouching software


Understand the basic operation of a manual SLR Camera

Understand the theory behind how film works

Understand how photo paper works

Comprehend the role that photography has played in society over the centuries

Identify and differentiate the different fields of photography


Pen, Pencil

Sketchbook made in first week

Your own (D)SLR camera is an asset, as it means that you will be able to work at your own pace


           Evaluation will be transparent, meaning that marks breakdown will be available for every assignment. You will be marked on a number of things. Marks will be based on the quality of the negative, the quality of the print, inclusion of contact sheet, and content. For each assignment there will be a marks breakdown on the assignment sheet. Digital assignments will be marked on many factors including digital retouching, and good resolution images handed in, ready for print. Late assignments will not be accepted unless accompanied by a note from your parent/guardian.


This class has a certain amount of freedom to it. There are opportunities to work outside of the classroom. With this freedom comes responsibility. If you do not attend lectures, you will probably fail this class! Regular attendance is mandatory. You are expected to be in class, on time and attend every class.


I’m happy to assist you outside of class hours. Please contact me at to arrange a time.



A module is a unit consisting of 1-2 minor assignments and possibly 1 major assignment. Each module has a focus on one aspect of photography.


Module 1 Set-up and introduction

Classroom etiquette and procedures

Drawers assigned

Workbooks created in class

Module 2 Pinhole Camera assignment

Pinhole Camera assignment assigned

Darkroom work habits /etiquette

Darkroom procedures

Module 3 OneDrive Introduction/ Digital workflow/ Lightmeter

Demonstration on how to upload images to OneDrive from DSLR’s

In Class demonstration on how to access shared folder and submit projects via OneDrive.

Light meter explanation

Auto focus explanation

Module 4 Aperture

Camera controls (diagram on board for camera settings)

Aperture discussed

Aperture major assignment assigned

Aperture PowerPoint

Module 5 Shutter Speed

Shutter speed PowerPoint

Introduction to digital workflow

Blurred Movement Assignment

Module 6 Introduction to exposure triangle

Classroom discussion about aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.

You will be required to complete this worksheet. It may be given to you as a paper handout.

Class shown digital camera simulator

Module 7 ISO

ISO introduced and discussed in class

ISO project introduced

Module 8 White Balance

White Balance discussed in class

White Balance project introduced

Module 9 RAW images

RAW file format discussed in class and overview

This video gives a good demonstration of how to use ACR

Complete the Raw file project


Module 10 Composition

We will discuss composition and watch this video in class

Composition Project assigned

Your instructor will let you know where to submit your project

Module 11 50 Photos

You will incorporate all you have learned about shooting, organizing, editing, and composition in this project

This video will help you with your workflow

Module 12 First darkroom assignment

Anything and Everything project assigned

How to load film onto reels video link

Module 13 Acting the Part

Powerpoint presentation

Link to project

Module 14 Photoshop Tutorials

First, we (re)learn all the tools with this project Submit

Submit vegetable project here!

Second, we learn Layer masks with this project!

Your instructor will let you know where portraits are for this project. You can edit your raw (.NEF) file or work directly from your .jpeg image.

Module 15 Multiple Exposure in the darkroom and in Photoshop

First, I would like you to take a deeper dive into layer masks by completing this project.

If you would like to do a similar project in the darkroom, this is an option in addition to the above. You may either choose to create a multiple exposure in camera, or in the darkroom.

Module 16 Semester wrap-up

I would like you to visit this website and view all the images. Choose 3 images that speak most to you. Right click to “Save images as” and insert them into a .doc. Below each image, why you think it captures the essence of the year, why you chose the image, and what you like best about stylistically and subject wise. Submit this file as a .docx to the location specified by your instructor.

Module 17 Introduction to Visual Elements

Visual Elements minor assignment completed in class

Visual Elements film project assigned

Visual Elements Powerpoint

Module 18 Photo Essay

Photo Essay project