Art 9 (Studio Arts)

Art 8 resources here.

For a general overview of this course, please visit the BC Government site.

Overview: Visual arts 9 is a survey course of different mediums used by students in the creation of artifacts.

There is also a large emphasis placed on digital literacy and creation

It should be noted that there is equal importance placed on what is being created (and therefore communicated), as there is on what medium is chosen.

Students in this course begin the year reviewing the visual elements (line, tone, value, etc.), and traditional principles of design (pattern, rhythm, etc.), as well as the Postmodern Principles of Design.

There is a strong emphasis on learning the technical aspects of studio art, photography, and film making so as to be better able to communicate what one wishes to communicate.

When larger projects are introduced, students are shown works by established artists and as a group we discuss and decipher these works technically, as well as stylistically and for content.

Students are then encouraged to create works in a similar style or media as used by an artist.

Throughout the year, students complete a number of smaller assignments in their sketchbooks for marking. These sketchbooks are the property of the student and students are encouraged to use them for daily drawing exercises.

Mediums used:

Students will be introduced to:

- India ink and nib drawing

-Acrylic painting

- Collage

- Watercolour painting

- 3D sculpture using cardboard and glue

-Stop motion animation

-Darkroom Photography


-Video editing


It is expected that students submit proposals for projects in the correct manner as specified by their instructor. This could be as a digital submission, through discussion, or through a sketchbook entry.

Students will also be shown how to scan, photograph, and retouch their work in Photoshop so it can be presented in a digital format, or included in a portfolio.



Module 1 Introduction/Visual Elements:

Class procedures outlined

Sketchbooks handed out

Overview of Visual Elements and Principles of Design

Sketchbook Assignment: Visual Elements

Module 2 India Ink (tone, value, texture):

Overview of medium

Demonstrations of nibs and brushes

 Sketchbook assignment India Ink

This is an interesting video that goes over the process

Module 3 Watercolour:

Watercolour demo

Watercolour Sketchbook assignment

Major Assignment Watercolour and India ink combined

Module 4 Space/perspective

Sketchbook Assignment: 1 Point Perspective

Your choice of drawing to show understanding of 1 point perspective


Module 5 Acrylic paint and colour theory:

Tiko Kerr Collage assignment (Complete 3-5 based on criteria in the link.)

Acrylic painting based on the above collages (or other subject material if you choose. Consult with your instructor.)

Colour wheel sketchbook assignment

Tiko Kerr video

Module 6 Pinhole Cameras

2 part assignment here! This assignment is MANDATORY if you are doing 35mm film photography for a final project, otherwise it is optional.

Module 7 Final projects

Choose from

Option #1 35mm Film Photography or

Option #2 Develop your own Project

Submit your Outlines and Artist/photographer reviews here!